Thursday, 7 August 2008

Go Olympics

Typhoons, euphoric crowds chanting "Go Olympics, Go Beijing" and a giant carrying the torch.

It's really hotting up now. Just waiting for the drug cheats and scandals. Oh and not forgetting to mention the Free Tibetan Mob - including a nice bit of posh totty called Lucy. Wait 'til it starts in earnest

Posh Girl

So far we've had a bit of footy as the kids call it but not footy as we know it. This was the girly kind but it was good to see that the gold old USA lost to Norway 2-0 while other results were as follows:

Argentina 1-2 Canada
Germany 0-0 Brazil
Japan 2-2 New Zealand
China PR 2-1 Sweden
Korea DPR 1-0 Nigeria

And whilst we are on the subject of American losers US President George W Bush has expressed "deep concerns" over China's human rights record in a speech on the eve of the Beijing Olympics.

So that's sorted that out then

"Who's the bastard in the yellow?"

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The Olympics begin here...

Kornelia Ender

It was 1976 and the Olympics were being held in Montreal. Five hours behind our time meant that you could settle in nicely for an evening watching the swimming and all these Eastern European women.

And from them all shone Kornelia Ender of the German Democratic Republic. She followed up her three silver medals from the Munich Olympics with four golds - all in world record times.

Needless to say she was later shown to be on performance enhancers and I think the photo tells you that but what the heck - I would!!!